Tuesday 18 June 2013

Course requirements

Course requirement
Hyperlink on your blog
Video reflection blog A: Giving packaging a new life AND How it’s made: Packaging

Video reflection blog B: 11th hour OR Inconvenient truth OR [Story of Stuff + Electronics + Cosmetics + Bottled Water]
Video reflection blog C: The light bulb conspiracy OR Who killed the electric car OR Consumerism
Project One: Weekly progress report Mar 13
Project One: Weekly progress report Mar 20
Project One: Weekly progress report Mar 27
Project One: Feedback to 5 peers on final design
Project Two: Weekly progress report Apr 24
Project Two: Weekly progress report May 1
Project Three: Weekly progress report May 15
Project Three: Weekly progress report May 22
Project Three: Weekly progress report May 29
Project Three: Feedback to 5 peers on final design
Project Three: Process journal online


Project Three: Feedback to 5 peers on final design






Project three weekly progress report May 29

This week my main concern was collecting more information about the final look of the table and ensuring that I have enough research for my final
I did a few explorations on the final look of the table to simplify the manufacturing process as well as keeping the general form.

Project two: weekly progress report May 1

The new concept I came up with was accepted by the tutor, this concept involved making lights from used wires of products that have reached the end of their life cycle.

Project two: weekly progress report apr 24

- disposable money bank engaging users
Perfumed used as candle holder after use:
Tutor's feed back: 
The idea of gifting is understood but the idea of "green" gifting needs to be pushed and thought more about.

Project one: weekly progress report march 20

I made mockups for the cigarette packaging concept. Unfortunately my concept did not meet the brief as it would change the product as well as the packaging. 
Daniel suggested me to use cigarette packagings smaller allowing less cigarettes to be shipped. That gave me the Idea to include quitting patches with the product to assist smokers to quit.

Project one: weekly process report Mar 13

I presented three concepts from which one was chosen by my tutor sam and that was the concept about reducing the size of the cigarettes in a package and dividing the package in two, below are sketches of my presented concepts:
Luke Messina: the concept of gambling cards is very similar to the monopoly money available in market. The Idea ofcigarettes  has more potential.

Tuesday 21 May 2013

Sense of place: week two progress

Peers' comment:
Kazin: Kazin liked the idea and found the concept useful and easy to sell to the council. He also pointed out a few things I should be mindful of: 
- consider materials
- corrosion
- increase life cycle
- cleaning ( he said that the existing barbecues are not hygienic and difficult to clean
- maintenance

Cedric: Cedric also liked the concept and he pointed out few helpful suggestions:
- Ergonomics of the Width of the table
- making sure the family crowd move easily
- Add a bin space to encourage cleaning and considering environmental issues.
- few ideas on how to include water tabs ( punching holes in the bench top to save material.

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Project 3: sense of place's weekly progress

Steven hermawan:
"I personally would recommend exploring more in depth with the Korean BBQ idea. i believe installing this product in a public space will create an attention seeking area and would attract locals to use the public space."

Jinbo xiao:"
- First concept the bbq is very popular in Australia
- Good idea for family and friends
- Young people will be attracted
- Chatting
- Normal BBQ place create the same kind of value
Improvements that can be done: add more chairs make wheelchair accessible"

Tuesday 30 April 2013

Peer comments on the socially responsible packaging project

Rationale Booklet For Project One: Socially Responsible Packaging

Video Reflection "Who killed the electric car"

This video is about the competition between electric and fossil fuel cars and the effort to make electric cars take over. The concept of having electric cars is a very environmentally friendly idea. For decades we have been using the fossil fuels to travel and even though it has been fast effective and cheap and enjoyable it has been having consequences.
One of this consequences can be smog, there has been a large increase in the amount of air pollution in the busier cities In the world. It has been measured that for every litre of gas burnt there is 19 grams of carbon dioxide released in the air. This can cause problems such as air pollution and global warming. Therefore scientist came up with the concept of hybrid and electric cars but unfortunately these programs have been proven difficult to be a fixed part of markets. Although electric cars sounded very appealing to customers in the beginning of their introduction to public they have been expensive, slow and difficult to own.
One of the main reasons for people looking forward to electric car was the idea of having cheap fuel. Soon these cars proved to be incapable of holding much electricity and very slow. Also the brand of cars that were chosen to be the pioneers of this new technology were not appealing to the customers. There has not been many cheap supply of electricity for such cars to encourage people into using them and the cars has have been very different looking and at times less appealing to the eyes of the customers. This video gave information about the history of this products as well has broadening our minds into thinking about the environment and thinking of innovating ideas to promote environmentally friendly concept.
Not all people can afford to pay for a expensive electric car which does not have the same continence of the gas car and in order for brilliant ideas such as this to work there has to be benefits for the customers. Overall this video was very illuminating on explaining the reasoning of the failure in promotion of electric cars and there has been lessons to learn and ideas to think about.

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Weekly progress report (week 3)

Peer number one: Joshua Steven Hermawan

- Excellent quality models
- Concept would be better if smokers were encouraged to quit smoking in different levels of packaging (level one more cigarets, level two less cigarets ...)

Peer number two: Hyunjin Kim

- Strong stats in the rationale
- Like the layout
- Improve on concept (questions weather a cigarets should be packages with nicotine patches)
Daniel (Hyunjin) liked my concept more after more explanation that I did which indicates I need more explanation on my packaging.
- Calculate/control the dosage provided by the whole cigarette packaging (make sure I am not over providing the consumers with nicotine and raise their daily nicotine needs).

Video Reflection : "The 11th Hour"

'The 11th Hour' is a collection of interviews off different researchers about their concern towards human effect on their environment.  During this documentary its human activities in order to survive and fulfill their needs have been highlighted and the movie shows the consequences of these activities (i.e. production of excessive amount of Carbon dioxide) for the planet earth.
Its been said in this documentary that if we continue to use energy resource  the way we do now our next generations will not have access to those resources and human race will be in danger of being extinct due to global warming.  Ever since the 19th century fossil fuels have been the main source of energy production for humans. Fossil fuels and different  human activities cause production of carbon dioxide and other gases such as sulfur monoxide. These gases can raise the average temperature on earth due to the fact that they can act as green house gases. These gases can also harm people and increase the chance of having illnesses such as asthma, cancer and  Parkinson. Fossil fuels have to be replaced with more sustainable sources of energy otherwise the consequences of their excessive use can lean our future into a dangerous situation.
Other human activities on planet earth such as cutting down trees can lead our next generations to live in very uncomfortable environment too. Plants  maintain the richness of soil by maintaining a cycle of  food and nutrition in it. By cutting down trees and other plants we can disable the soil from being fertile. This will cause in expansion of deserts which can lead to dramatic increase in earths temperature. Expansion of deserts and global warming  will cause planet earth to have a climate like other planets such as mars. Human race will not be able to evolve in such climate and eventually be extinct therefore it is necessary for us to find ways which can help us not waste our natural resources.
Solutions such as recycling, use of sustainable materials or reusing products have been effecting in saving earths resources during the last several years. Our responsibility as people in this generation is to follow these solutions and try to expand them by coming up with new ideas in order to save the world from the future than it could be facing.

Sunday 10 March 2013

Reflection on video: "How it’s made > Cardboard boxes"

This video explains a brief history of the invention of card board as well as a very comprehensive explanation of how cardboards are manufactured, printed, folded and cut.
According to this video cardboard was invented by an accident by Robert Gears. They are made of two parts, one wavy sheet of paper called the flute which is surrounded by two sheets of papers called liners. These three layers together form what is called a corrugated board.
In the beginning, large sized recycled papers start the production of paper boards. These papers are very wide and their thickness is dependent on the strength required for the finished cardboard. The wavy layer of the cardboard is made by feeding the recycled paper through a corrugator which makes the wavy shape on the papers by pressing it through a roll. To make the process easier hot steam is used to soften down the board. Then the flute is fed through another roller which covers the both sides of the flute with a kind of glue which is made of a mixture of water and starch. The waves on the flute provide air cushion for the board and the flute is made of half recycled paper.
After the main wide cardboard is made the pieces are cut in order to give the edges a sharper look. Then these boards are stacked up and fed through a roller that presses the parts which are meant to be folded. The fold pattern is made in the roller and it is covered with cushions around it in order to make the fold marks cleaner and sharper looking.
After that the colours that are meant to be printed on the cardboards are mixed up in a container. The specific amount of ink required to make a certain colour is poured in the container and then they are mixed. These colours are then applied to a roller. The cardboards are fed through different rollers that apply a different colour to the cardboard.
At the end the cardboard is cut again through a roller into the desired cutting pattern and they are stacked up ready to be shipped to a specific manufacturer or market. These are normally flat packed when shipped and the flat packed  cardboards are folded in the specific manufacturing company.

Thursday 7 March 2013

Reflection on video: “Giving packaging a new life”

This video introduces people to the new methods used to recycles a wide variety of materials as well as introducing what these materials can be.

In the first video it is shown how technology has assisted in separating different recyclable materials as these materials has to be recycled individually with no impurities. Aluminum pieces are separated using eddy current and tin plates are separated using magnet as they have magnetic properties. Then the rest of the mixtures of recyclable materials are washed and the papers and tetra packs are removed. So many other individual materials are also separated using the new computer scanning system in which an image of the particles are collected and the different pieces are separated automatically based on their transparency properties and using infrared images.

Glass containers are separated according to their colour as different coloured glasses are not meant to be melted and recycled together. This is also done using the computer imaging technology.

About 500 thousand tons of plastic is recycled each year. Different kinds of plastic packaging’s are separated based on their several techniques:

1.                  Separated according size
2.                  Air separators blowout films
3.                  Centrifuges separate different types of plastics based on their properties such as density.

Aluminum containers are separated using eddy current, melted and rolled into sheets which can then be used to make other products such as Canned products. These can also be used to produce aluminum extrusions desired by another production line which can save lots of energy by taking away an step in the production.

Papers are also recycled into cardboards and other products such as toilet papers and tissues. First the whole mixture of recyclable materials are washed and a blower separates the labels. Then all the printing inks are removed by washing in a heated area. The grains of papers then are set on a wide area and are dried and rolled to form recycled paper which can then be used to manufacture so many other products.

These series of videos are very useful for designers looking to expand their knowledge towards recycling methods and ways they can design products in such way that makes the products not only possible but very easy to recycle. Also alerts people of the importance of recycling and how much raw material would have been wasted if these recycling methods were not available.